Adam is midlands based creative producer, performance-maker, cultural activist, and professional hot mess.

Their recent work has focused on developing pioneering queer performance work for children’s and outdoor audiences, including FANTABULOSA! – the world’s first drag show for kids. Current projects include Disco Tea Party (an interactive cabaret gameshow) and PALAVER!, a two-year artist, audience, and sector development programme supporting the creation of queer positive performance work for children and family audiences supported by Cambridge Junction.

Adam is currently the producer for drag iconoclast Ginny Lemon (Drag Race UK Season 2). From 2016-2020 they were the Artistic Director of the UK’s largest festival of Queer Arts and Culture, SHOUT Festival.

Adam performs in drag as Fatt Butcher, and is the creator and host of Fatt Butcher’s Disco Bingo, currently resident at Birmingham’s legendary Nightingale Club. Despite receiving commissions from numerous arts organisations their performance work has been described by NME as ‘ramshackle’ and by trolls on twitter as ‘the accelerating decline of humanity’, accolades they are justly proud of.